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Important Notice: Fee Increase with a Call to Support Healthcare Funding

Date: 14/10/2024

Dear Valued Patients,

I must unfortunately inform you of a fee adjustment that will take effect on 15th October 2024. The primary consultation fee will increase from $73.50 to $79.20. Please visit the Fees page for further details 

We understand that this may add pressure on you, especially as many people in our community are already struggling with rising living costs. We want to acknowledge how difficult it can be to access the care you need due to financial barriers, and we remain committed to advocating to the government for more accessible and affordable healthcare.

One driver for this increase is our commitment to paying permanent skilled workers a living wage, which has recently risen from $26 to $27.80 per hour. This ensures that we can continue to provide a high standard of care and retain our skilled workforce. Additionally, while Health New Zealand’s independent research recognises that healthcare delivery costs have risen by over 12%, the government has only provided a 4% increase in funding, following several years of underfunding in real terms. 

We have consistently advocated for better funding to make healthcare more financially accessible for our patients. However, the pressures of pay disparity and pay equity in the primary and secondary healthcare sectors mean we have no choice but to adjust our fees to remain competitive and avoid a mass exit of staff. With funding fixed, our only option is to raise fees. Please note that the government regulates private practice fees, and this increase is within the allowed variance. 

When patients use the myIndici portal we can assure the best standard of efficiency and privacy. We are introducing a discount of $2 for prescription renewals requested through the portal.

We share your concerns about the rising costs and their impact on your ability to access care. We invite you to support our continued efforts to advocate for better healthcare funding. By voicing your concerns directly to policymakers, you can help ensure that healthcare remains affordable and accessible for all New Zealanders.

If you would like to support this cause, you can email Dr Shane Reti, the Minister of Health, and your local MP to advocate for more realistic health funding. Below is a proposed letter template you might use. We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we work to navigate these challenging times together. 

Ranyani Perera
CEO, Silverdale Medical

Template for Advocacy: 


Dr Shane Reti, Minister of Health
By email: S.Reti@ministers.govt.nz 

Mark Mitchel, MP for Whangaparao
By email: Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz 

Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, MP for Te Pāti Māori
By email: Mariameno.Kapa-Kingi@parliament.govt.nz 

ProCare PHO
By email: communications@procare.co.nz

Please click here to send an email to all of the above.
Check your email app and remember to put your name at the bottom of the email.

Dear Ministers, 

Re: Fees Increase at General Practices 

I am a patient at Silverdale Medical in Auckland, and I am writing to express my concern about the recent fee increase at my local doctor. While I understand that my practice needs to adjust its fees to cover costs, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to access healthcare due to rising expenses. 

The fee increase comes on top of other essential cost rises such as power, water, housing, and food, making it harder for families like mine. General practices are crucial to our community’s health, but I fear that if these increases continue, many of us will struggle to afford care, leading to delayed treatments and higher hospital wait times. 

I urge the government to reconsider funding decisions and invest more in primary care. Affordable access to healthcare is not just a matter of health; it is a matter of equity and social justice. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Ngā mihi, 

<Insert your name>

Press Release: Changes at Silverdale Medical and Temporary Suspension of New Patient Enrolments

Date: 27/08/2024

Silverdale, NZ - Silverdale Medical wishes to inform the community of upcoming changes within our practice due to several staff retirements and departures.

  • Dr. Rob Walton has retired from practice effective 29/08/2024.
  • Dr. Rebekah Thompson has retired from General Practice effective 27/09/2024 to pursue a specialty in Allergy.
  • Dr. Tomos Longworth will be departing Silverdale Medical on 27/09/2024.
  • Dr. Murray Nutsford will retire effective 01/11/2024.

As a result of these changes, patients of the departing doctors will be reassigned to other doctors within the practice, which will fully utilize our current capacity.

Silverdale Medical is actively recruiting additional medical professionals to expand our team. Patient enrolments will resume once we have sufficient capacity to continue providing high-quality care.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time of transition.

Silverdale Medical Management

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